Wat is the best eBay selling technique u can implement? Giving high quality customer service. In this digital world of buying & selling, customer service on eBay could make or break a sale for u. Because ur feedback is a crucial feature of ur online storefront, providing prompt & polite customer support is as consequential as the items u r trying to sell.
If u operated a brick & mortar business, how would u behave toward ur customer while they were standing at ur counter? U would be helpful & respectful of course! U would do everything that u could to make certain that customers return to ur shop in the future. U would do all u could to make sure that their buying experience with u was both satisfactory & enjoyable. Why would u do any less at the close of one of ur eBay auctions? Providing excellent customer service on eBay is the same as in any other retail store.
First, act quickly at the close of ur auctions. Get in touch with the winner, & congratulate them. Give a product description on the item they have won & how the item will be shipped, even if this information is already part of the description for the auction. Send them their winning bid amount, & give them payment options & instructions. Tell them when the item will be shipped.
Conclude ur email by thanking them for participating in ur auction. U may take this encounter to inform them about additional open auctions that u have as well. Think of this email with the winner as a talk that u r having with a customer who is st&ing at ur counter in that imagined brick & mortar store. This is the Number 1, best eBay selling technique u can employ.
Once the payment & shipping details have been h&led, contact ur buyer for another conversation. Tell them when the item was shipped--the exact date & time--& when it is expected to arrive at their address. In this communication, let them know that if they have any problems or questions with the transaction, they should contact u through ur eBay site, & make sure that u answer any questions immediately. If they do communicate with u in the future, make sure that u do all that u can to make them happy with their purchase, even if it means sending them a refund.
Yes. U should be open to issuing refunds, depending on the circumstances. Furthermore, u should issue refunds immediately. Naturally, it is sensible to expect the buyer to return the item to u, at ur expense, before the refund is issued. Once u get the item, issue the refund at once. This is just good business! The best eBay selling technique is the same on line as in any storefront- be reachable, listen to ur customers & solve problems rapidly when they arise. Customer service on eBay is the recipe for ur business success, & will guarantee that all feedback u experience will be golden.
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